Leverage WhatsApp to Attract Leads & Close Deals Like a Pro with Gallabox
in Dubai, UAE
Trusted by 2,000+ Businesses!
Unlock the Power of Bots!
Boost sales and delight customers with the simplicity of WhatsApp messaging!
Interactive WhatsApp Forms
Build, share, and automate data collection with WhatsApp Flows.
Automated WhatsApp Sequences
Engage customers with timely automated messages for onboarding, payments, reminders, and more.
AI-Powered Conversations
Personalize interactions with AI-driven messages, in any language, and simplify complex topics.
Click-to-WhatsApp Ads
Drive direct conversations through targeted Facebook and Instagram ads.
WhatsApp Catalog
Showcase products, confirm orders, and drive sales directly through WhatsApp.
Personalized Broadcast Campaigns
Segment audiences, send rich media, and track campaign performance.
ZOHO Integration
Discover how Gallabox with WhatsApp Integration will boost your Sales, in Dubai, UAE
For more information: Talk to our Expert Today!